Saturday, June 25, 2011

Red Dead Redemption: 25 Things to do in Multiplayer

Have you ever found yourself in RDR free roam, shooting at the law and other players, just waiting for the excruciatingly long experience bar to fill? This happens to me almost every time I decide to pop into the cowboy free roam shooter and find a session. It may just be me, but I have had enough of the tedious "shoot, melee, gain bounty" mentality that I have carried out for months, so I have devised a "list" of sorts to help you entertain yourself and/or your partner:

  1. Gain a HUGE bounty, then escape to Mexico!
  2. Have a fistfight on dangerous surfaces (large rocks, over a body of water, edge of a building)
  3. Start a huge brawl with NPC's
  4. Play "how many knives can you stick into your friend?"
  5. Name your mount
  6. Set bears on fire
  7. (undead nightmare req) Beat up zombies... with your fists
  8. Fall down the cliff on Torquemada
  9. Stab dynamite
  10. Stab fire bottles
  11. Stab people
  12. Run towards other players holding lit dynamite
  13. Fight bulls with your fists in MacFarlane's Ranch
  14. Walk around in Aurora Basin (shallow water)
  15. Get the covered wagon in Gaptooth Breach
  16. Jump out of a wagon at high speed
  17. Knife your friend's mount while riding very fast
  18. Play with dynamite
  19. Get chased by cougars
  20. Have a HUGE posse battle at Cochinay
  21. Search for a donkey, then try to keep it as your mount for an hour
  22. Run into players/NPC/s with your mount
  23. Try to disarm EVERYONE
  24. Push pedestrians
  25. Drive your mount/wagon/chariot off the cliff between Armadillo and MacFarlane's Ranch.
If you want me to post more, please comment or message me and I'll go around in free roam and discover weirder and more amusing things to do.

"Live Love Laugh Ragequit"

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